For years now, many of my Marriage Alchemy coaching clients have asked…
“This program is so amazing–do you have teachings like this for my son or daughter?
We see our teenagers, our college age kids, our grandchildren, or nieces and nephews going through social anxiety, depression, lack of confidence or purpose and drive. We see young adults that are important to us really struggling with no relief in sight. And nothing we offer them seems to help–sometimes they even lash out at us for trying to help or act in a defensive manner and shut us out.
The usual angst of being a teenager has only escalated with the constant pressure of social media and teen suicide/depression/anxiety rates have never in history been higher.

But what if they could experience true relief from this paralyzing anxiety, fear and confusion? What if they didn’t have to suffer for another several decades before finding confidence in their true self and the peace that results?
Is this possible for young people? Is there a place for them to learn new life strategies and create a different experience for themselves?
Do they have to wait until they have a crisis in mid-life?
I used to wonder. But after witnessing what my now 20-year old son went through, I’m certain that these deep changes can take place at a young age.
I watched with a great sense of helplessness myself as I saw my son go through extreme challenges of physical crisis, social crisis and severe depression–over a three-year period. And he has had to learn a set of big life shifts to not get stuck there.
So I want you to hear Jonathan’s story, so you can see what I’m talking about.
Over the last 3 years, he’s been through a lot!
He had a series of concussions that stopped his entire life as he knew it.
No more hanging out with friends.
No more going to school.
No more sports.
Three things he loved and enjoyed.
He spent the next three years trying to dig out of this.
It led to times where he was in so much physical and emotional pain that he couldn’t go to school and he couldn’t even seem to get himself out of bed until just before dinner.
And it was tricky, since Dads can’t just tell their sons what to do…so I tried to steer him to all the best Jedi masters and solutions I could (mental, emotional, psychological, physical) and he learned from them but often went in big spurts of ups and downs.
Until finally he put the last piece together–neutrality–along with all the other things he had to learn the hard, painful way.
And when the last piece fell in place, he shifted almost over-night.
He went from being a high school dropout who didn’t even want to take his GED test, to a few months later starting college and thriving with friends, being physically fit and even being a youth leader.

And it wasn’t just “success” on the outside.
He was truly feeling calm and confident and authentic internally.
His friends and people younger and older noticed this big shift and started asking him about it.
And he started sharing his secret steps to
be CALM and
be REAL.
And then–being so impressed with the deep, internal and external changes– I asked him if he’d like to team up with me and help meet a HUGE NEED that I was constantly being asked about (young people needing tools to overcome social stress, existential anxiety–just trying to find a reason to get out of bed before noon).
After working on this for nine months…last fall we hosted a special webinar which covers the FIVE BIG SHIFTS anyone can make to become CCR (Confident, Calm, and Real).
And to say it was a real “eye-opener” for those in attendance is an understatement!

So many young people WANT to be their REAL true self, but when they experiment with that, they feel deep INSECURITY, because it doesn’t look like what everyone is ‘LIKING’ on social media, etc.
OR…they find little tips and tricks to increase CONFIDENCE, but they do it at the expense of being who they really are. They are confident, but FAKING it.
And this tension gives rise to anxiety.
So they feel like they have to choose…
And both options lead to deep stress and anxiety…or depression.
But with these FIVE SHIFTS….you can truly be REAL AND have CONFIDENCE.
If you are interested, set aside 35 now to watch this special webinar.
After our first pilot that was launched last fall, we were thrilled to see that these concepts and practices CAN indeed be taught to young people with great success and create lasting change within them. They grew in confidence of their own interactions with their parents, friends, coworkers, and mostly with themselves. They stepped into being their authentic selves and shifted through experiencing this program.

And not only did the participants notice big shifts in their confidence and authenticity, but the adults in their lives–aunts and grandparents and parents–were thrilled to tell me how much change they had seen in them.
And NOW we are about to launch the second cohort with a start date of Tuesday May 2, 2023. We have expanded the program by adding a co-host, Madison Metz, who is also 20. Madison went through her own life challenges that brought her to escaping life through drugs, alcohol, and excessive people pleasing with her friends. She faced depression and then was stuck in extreme overachieving and cycled between these patterns for years. She experienced emotional trauma when she was quite young and masked this pain for many years.

Growing up as the daughter of Marriage Alchemy’s lead coach, she learned to go through the pain as if it was a portal, instead of running away from it. Through these concepts and understandings she moved from victim to her own hero. She understood that she had the power to shift her beliefs and get out of blame and judgment. She is learning how to continuously be honest with herself and to face her own behaviors and choices.
Alongside our two incredible hosts we will have guest coaches on the calls including Dr. Beals and Suzanne to bring additional mentoring and perspectives.
Enroll your adult child now
by clicking the link below.
This experience will change their life! They will confidently be their true, best self and maneuver through challenges of life more smoothly.
Also, if you know of any other young adults between the ages of 16-22 years, please pass this information along to their parents.
We look forward to seeing your loved one in May!