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Here’s What Our Clients Have To Say…

Nothing else worked. This changed things at the root. The Issue Just Falls Away. 

“We were to a point where there were just so much painful feelings of resentment and animosity towards each other [in my marriage]. It was becoming awful. I tried other resources: I tried reading, therapy, I tried to get him to go to therapy. What I found was that these other things I’ve done didn’t really get to the root of it. I felt good for a moment and then the same issue would creep up in a month or a year later.

What I found was when I’m implementing parts of the program, I’m letting go of guilt and blame. It’s important to have a mentor and the group supporting me in order to keep on practicing. Each week building upon the week before. We actually get to the root cause and you actually can feel your energy changing. It feels like the issue just falls away.

You feel that you’ve gotten it and it’s resolved and you really don’t have to worry about that again. So that’s extremely different from anything else that I’ve experienced. Corwynn as a mentor and a leader is phenomenal.”


Other things were temporary fixes. This change was deep– at the subconscious level.

“I was scared about getting into the program. I believed Dr. Beals couldn’t teach anything that I couldn’t find in a popular marriage book. But I’ve been reading marriage books and articles for years and my situation hasn’t improved. So, I jumped into this program. It has given me ways to change my subconscious mind so I’ve changed the way I see myself and talk to myself.

I’ve said for years, “I’d pay a million dollars to fix my relationship.” I’m sure, I’m pretty close to that figure with the big house, the cars, the trips. We live a pretty high lifestyle, but those things were just temporary fixes. This program has given me the deeper understanding. It really has been a blessing in my life. There is a reason [they] call Corwynn, ‘Obi Wan’.”


Breakthrough Healing– Quickly

I had a breakthrough working with Corwynn and his ground breaking methods after just a few sessions–more transformation than I experienced in many years of traditional therapy. It was quick, to the point and yielded immense healing. He also equipped me with the tools to continually refine the way I take on life’s challenges. I can’t say enough about my experience and I can say I’m now excited about what my future holds.


New Freedom to Fully Live and Embrace Life

Doing soul work with Corwynn was experiential, enlightening and freeing. His deep, wide experience and knowledge helped lead me through a variety of stages to reconnect my heart to my head and pay close attention to my body. This work took me to a deeper self-awareness, an exploration of all emotions and ultimately the exposure of some of the self-limiting barriers. This lead to knocking the barriers down and calling out truth, which ultimately led to a new freedom to fully live and embrace life.


From Stagnant to Radiant

I’ve gone from being stagnant in my life to finding this radiance within myself. And then other people are seeing this radiance as I have found it in myself. So it only feeds the flame more. I’m finally feeling happy My partner sees it. My friends see it. My mom sees it. They all see the radiance in me. Just jumping in and just doing it really changed things for me. Anyone who is scared or nervous, it’s well worth all of it. It’s worth investing in yourself.
